What Can You Do To Help


We are currently seeking volunteers to assist the Greyhound Welfare Initiative. We are looking for volunteers who have a commitment to banning greyhound racing and improving greyhound welfare. If you’re South Australian based please reach out to us on our contact details below, we would love to hear from you. 

Consider Fostering or Adopting:

Adopting a rescue greyhound and giving them a second chance at life is a rewarding endeavor. Private volunteer-led greyhound rescue and rehoming groups exist across Australia.

If you can’t commit to adopting a greyhound, please consider fostering. Rescue groups will pay for food, bedding, vet care, and so on. The fostering process is an essential step in a greyhound rehabilitation process. 


Consider donating to an independent greyhound rescue group. If you cant donate, how about offering your time through volunteering with a rescue or advocacy group.

Use your voice

As a voter and member of a community, you are in a unique position to rally with allies on your side by spreading the messages “End Greyhound Suffering” “Don’t Bet On It” and “You Bet They Die”. Every dollar that is wagered on a greyhound race legitimizes this so-called sport. It increases the industry’s revenue and sends a message to others that gambling on greyhounds is socially acceptable. Consider writing or visiting your local MP, state premier, or state racing minister and ask them to consider a ban on greyhound racing. For more information on how to navigate this process please read the following or reach out to us on the details below:


Premier: https://www.premier.sa.gov.au
Contact: Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing: https://www.facebook.com/KatrineHildyardForReynell/about reynell@parliament.sa.gov.au


